Advisor Information

24 Hour Title IX Hotline (Call or Text)
** Response to text may be less immediate than a phone call**
If you have an emergency or an immediate threat, contact 9-1-1 (or dial 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone)
What is an Advisor?
Complainants and Respondents are entitled to have an Advisor with them anytime they participate in the investigation and resolution process. This includes filing of the complaint, the interview with the Investigator, any meetings or hearings related to the investigation and resolution process.
An Advisor provides parties in the Title IX process with assistance and support throughout the proceeding. The Advisor’s primary role is to support the party. The Advisor can help with procedural or process questions. During the hearing process the Advisor asks questions on the parties’ behalf.
Who can be an Advisor?
The Advisor may be any person selected by a party, as long as the Advisor is eligible and has no institutionally conflicting roles (such as working in the Title IX Office, responsible for determining sanctions, or a witness). The Advisor may be a friend, family member, faculty or staff member, attorney, or any other individual. Please note, this is not a legal proceeding. Attorneys who are advisors will have the same rights as non-attorneys. The college Title IX Office has a list of trained Advisors if requested.
What if I don’t have an Advisor?
Prior to the hearing phase of a formal investigation, the Title IX Office will provide both Complainants and Respondents with an Advisor if none has been secured. At this stage when a formal complaint is filed, both parties must have an Advisor. If parties’ have not chosen an Advisor, the college will assign one and may utilize employees, Nebraska State College System employees, and/or contracted services. During the hearing the parties are not permitted to directly cross-examine each other or any witness. This role will be completed by the Advisor.
If I am an employee, can I volunteer to be added to the college’s Advisor list?
Yes, if you are interested in being added to the list please contact the Title IX Coordinator. Advisors will be provided with training on the process, their role and responsibilities, and expectations.